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What is poor sleep quality?

Poor sleep quality refers to sleep that is insufficient or disrupted in some way, preventing us from getting the restorative rest we need. Some key signs of poor sleep quality include:

Difficulty falling asleep: Tossing and turning for more than 30 minutes before falling asleep is one indicator of poor sleep quality. This could be caused by stress, anxiety, medication side effects, or any number of other factors.

Frequent awakenings: Waking up several times throughout the night and having difficulty falling back asleep can greatly disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent us from reaching the deeper stages of sleep we need.

Light or restless sleep: Spending much of the night in lighter stages of sleep rather than getting enough time in the recuperative slow-wave and REM sleep stages can leave us feeling unrefreshed the next day.

Not feeling rested: Even after devoting enough time to sleep, not feeling restored upon waking is a clear sign our sleep quality was lacking. We may still feel sleepy, fatigued, or mentally foggy the next day.

Daytime impairment: Impaired mood, trouble concentrating, reduced performance, and increased errors are some ways poor sleep can impact our waking life. Accidents and injuries may also become more likely due to slowed reaction time.

Poor sleep quality can have many causes, including sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea, medication side effects, physical conditions like chronic pain or frequent urination, mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD, and environmental factors like noise, light, or uncomfortable room temperature.

Over time, chronic poor sleep takes a significant toll both physically and mentally. It's vital we take steps to improve sleep quality, such as sticking to a regular sleep-wake schedule, limiting evening electronics use, keeping the bedroom comfortable, reducing stress, and getting checked for any underlying conditions. Making sleep a priority is crucial for protecting both our health and daily functioning.

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